SocorroKras's diary

I do my thing and you do yours. I am not here in this planet to live up to your wants, and additionally you're not in this world to live up to mine. You are you and I am I, and if by chance we find one another, then it is nice. If it is not, it cannot be

Entries from 2014-05-01 to 1 month

Sharp Foot Pain

Extracorporeal shock wave therapy has been approved by FDA, in the year 2000, as a successful treatment for severe heel spur. In this therapy, the heel is exposed to focused shock waves, either of high or low energy form. These shock waves…

Keep Walking With Relief From Your Bunion Pain

Shoes that constrict the toes (high heels and shoes with pointed toes) may make the condition worse. Without treatment, bunions often become worse over time, therefore a visit to a chiropodist or podiatrist is recommended as early as possi…

Got The Ball Of Foot Pain Blues?

The most severe type of sprain is a third degree sprain because it is the result of a complete rupture of one or more ligaments. It would take a significant force to completely rupture one or more ligaments in the wrist, but it can occur w…

Common Problems Of A Cavus Foot Type

Toe exercises can work wonders if your toes are still flexible, meaning they can still bend on their own. If they have become too stiff to bend without the aid of using your hands, or are stiff even when you try to bend your toes with your…

How To Fix Bunions With No Surgery

Instructions were to put Neosporin ointment on the incision area, place the gauze on top and wrap it with the bandage to hold it on place during the day. At night I am to take off the bandages and let it air dry. I can also shower now and …

Heel Pain Relief Measures

If someone is brazen enough, or foolish enough, to keep returning to the camps in spite of continued warnings, the recalcitrant is sometimes trussed up and delivered to the law alongside evidence of their heinous activities, or more often …